Seniors Dining Out Team Lead

Title:    Seniors Dining Out Team Lead

Purpose:  Fellowship between Older members of St. Luke’s

Responsible to: Director of Servant Ministry

Description of Duties:  Assign those interested in dining out once a month, into groups of 6-8
Responsible for involvement in Ministry Fair once/twice a year, to invite new members. Setup flyers, table, running advertisement in bulletin/chronicle (Sept and March). Attend quarterly Common Table gatherings.

Time Requirements: Assign new groups, twice a year (April & Oct) takes 4-6hours each time

Term: 2 years – or longer if you enjoy!

Training and Resources:  From previous leader and Director of Servant Ministry

Skills and gifts:  Administration, Service

Benefits to one serving in this role:  Meeting many different people from St. Luke’s

Completed by/date:  1/2009